Originally Posted by LostCause
I was amazed at how stable the indoor temperature was, staying ~78F. I think the A/C is a "pamper my ass" type of luxury item, but oh is it nice when it gets 79F inside.
Hopefully your A/C problems are fixed. I'd think with the humidity you guys get, you deserve a little pampering!
- LostCause
Yeah, it's not the heat, it's the humidity
The problem is the entire back side of the house faces West. The living room is between the West windows and the Garage. Bake Oven. It got up to 90F around 5-6pm in here. Ya kinda move to a cooler locale around the house.
I got the compressor unit to run today. It's shaking like crazy and the lines are warm. The fan finally worked and the compressor, well, tried to compress -- but nothing but noise. They'll be out between 8 and Noon tomorrow

The unit is still under warranty by a year, but labor isn't. I'm curious to know what the deal is. If it lost the freon again...

They still use the nasty Ozone Layer depleting stuff. The changeover is supposed to happen soon (2010-ish???)