Originally Posted by litesong
Easily driving my 39mpg(last 5 or 6 tanks have been 40mpg or better) Elantra has been....... exciting. Driving it hard, I could have had 30mpg or less, like so many who complained about Elantra mpg..... & not been excited.
After 200,000 miles, I'll have an extra $6150(61 Franklins) in my pocket & still have my Elantra. Most others, hard driving their Elantras....... won't have 61 Franklins or their Elantras.
In just one 200 mile drive, at 43mpg, instead of 30mpg, I kept 8 Washingtons in my pocket plus 8 pennies.
XYZ ain't adding his Washingtons or Franklins with the right time frames or values.
Not everyone's situation is the same as yours. It depends on where you drive (rural or city) and how much you drive. I suspect you don't drive "hard" so your comparison is a bit skewed. For those of us who never or hardly ever drive "hard", the difference in FE between 55 and 65 MPH isn't going to be tremendously impressive. Besides, driving at faster speeds is not necessarily "hard" driving.
For example I get about 32 MPG on one of my cars when driven at @ 60-65 MPH. But I rarely do any highway driving, mostly local driving. Driving slower won't help me in that situation. On the contrary, getting into the higher gears sooner produces better FE, and that means driving faster.
For those of us who drive relatively few miles per year there won't be such a wide variance as to add up to huge savings. I drive only about 5000 miles per year. I'll probably be dead before I rack up another 200,000 miles.
In just one 200 mile drive, at 43mpg, instead of 30mpg, I kept 8 Washingtons in my pocket plus 8 pennies.
For some people being at their destination sooner might be worth more than the $8 you saved. To clarify my comment, no one is going to save $100 per tankful, no matter how they drive.