Originally Posted by XYZ
...... driving at faster speeds is not necessarily "hard" driving.
For those of us who drive relatively few miles per year there won't be such a wide variance as to add up to huge savings. I drive only about 5000 miles per year. I'll probably be dead before I rack up another 200,000 miles.
In just one 200 mile drive, at 43mpg, instead of 30mpg, I kept 8 Washingtons in my pocket plus 8 pennies.
For some people being at their destination sooner might be worth more than the $8 you saved. To clarify my comment, no one is going to save $100 per tankful, no matter how they drive.
You can defend your higher speeds to the cop that stops you for speeding. Tell the officer, I told you to slow down but you would have nothing to do with that tactic.
If getting to your destination at a particular time means money, you need to leave 5 or 10 minutes sooner. If your life is dependent on the speed of your travel, you need a new life.
I'm sorry I taught you about the great amount of money you would save, since its at the end of your life. Some people would be pleased if someone gave them $8 every time they drove 200 miles. Me..... I'm not too proud to get $8, even if I had to pick it up off the ground. But fortunately, I don't have to. Don't even have to remove my wallet from my pocket. That's why they call it savings.
My 200,000 mile example was just that, not a lifetime of driving. Some people will drive 600,000 to 1 million miles in a lifetime. That $6000 saving is actually $18,000 to $30,000 to lots of people, if not you.