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Old 08-29-2013, 12:45 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by litesong View Post
You can defend your higher speeds to the cop that stops you for speeding. Tell the officer, I told you to slow down but you would have nothing to do with that tactic.
Who said anything about speeding? How is driving 60-65 MPH considered speeding when the speed limit is 65?

Are you having hallucinations when you read posts? You have a very vivid imagination, and a very accusatory attitude.

If getting to your destination at a particular time means money, you need to leave 5 or 10 minutes sooner. If your life is dependent on the speed of your travel, you need a new life.
I didn't say "I" always do this, did I? Some people drive faster than others. Such is life. What is your problem with that such that you feel the need to lecture and browbeat anyone who doesn't act exactly as you do?

You certainly are arrogant and aggressive in the way you express yourself. I hope you don't drive the same way that you write. Or is taunting those who cross your path a carry over from your days of "hard driving"?

I'm sorry I taught you about the great amount of money you would save, since its at the end of your life. Some people would be pleased if someone gave them $8 every time they drove 200 miles. Me..... I'm not too proud to get $8, even if I had to pick it up off the ground. But fortunately, I don't have to. Don't even have to remove my wallet from my pocket. That's why they call it savings.
You don't sound "sorry" at all. How snotty and condescending can you get? Take your holier-than-thou attitude and put it in your wallet. With your attitude you're not going to teach anyone anything.
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