Originally Posted by ttoyoda
So there might be some sort of tradeoff, perhaps you have found it, but it seems to me that .03 volts times 1000 amps would give 100 times more hydrogen than say 3 volts at 10 amps, both are 30 watts. You need a lot of cell plate area and big buss bars to get a flow of 1000 amps though, obviously it is a significant project to make such a cell. Clever idea on your part to put cells in series, you bypass the whole problem of large currents. How about cutting off the top of a dead car battery and remove the guts, for your case? You get 6 compartments that way.
You are right about both being 30W but you still can not violate ohms law. .03V might not have enough push to move 1000 amps if you know what I mean, what is the resisitance of the water, plates, wire and internal resistance of your power source?