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Old 08-31-2013, 04:08 AM   #105 (permalink)
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I went on a road trip, partly to get a clear signal on my gas mileage, but the car was running so rough I don't have high hopes. I changed the fuel filter, didn't help. I'm going to try some Marvel Mystery Oil in the hope it's a clogged carb jet; I already have some in the oil.

I did plan my perambulation to take me through Lincoln, OR, because I know they sell clear premium. When I pulled up to the pump the sign that caught my eye said it was for lawn mowers and outboards. I asked the attendant and he said he could pump it if the car was a 1964 or prior, then the guy across the island in his pickup pointed out that I was at the regular pump. So ethanol-free regular is available at the pump for your low-compression needs.

I'm paying less than $5 a gallon.
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