Thread: Tesla
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Old 09-03-2013, 09:18 PM   #17 (permalink)
EcoModding Smurfer
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I understand the cost of batteries and other tech is high. However, I don't buy that as an excuse for car companies to not market multiple options.

If a large corporation such as Toyota were to design hybrid vehicles using the same basic concepts that could be readily adapted between their Tundra, Camry, Sienna, etc lineups, then they would theoretically be able to hire a herd of professional nerds to develop their own battery technology. Why hasn't a big auto corporation bought one of these battery companies?

Don't blame the price of the technology, blame decades of "old thinking" in the boardrooms. If Elon Musk were the head honcho at GM the last 15 years, we would be lightyears ahead of where we are now.

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