Oh boy!
Originally Posted by euromodder
I know my weight will easily vary 1 kg on a day to day basis.
That's what I can leave behind [...] in a single - ahum - sitting.
For lunch the day before my last PT test in Active Duty I ate a kilo of carrots. I figured that it would get rid of some weight that I did not need at the time.
No running for me, I merely walk @ 6 kph / 3.7 mph.
Running faster uses more energy, so you need to take that into account.
That is definitely speed walking. I do not have any idea why I used a WoW character name instead of my usual handle, Strider, like I do everywhere else, except that Strider is common, and Xist is not.
I was always late to classes in eighth grade, so I started walking like Aragorn--at least in the books. The nickname was obvious.
I always maintain a fifteen-minute mile. People say crazy things about how quickly they walk or can walk, but I am quite certain that most people walk 2 MPH--or less!
7000 kcal less with a balanced diet, will translate in losing about 1kg.
Years ago I had a friend say that if you were exercising so hard that you could not maintain a conversation, you were burning muscle instead of fat.
I have done a great deal of running since then. Once, while running in formation, a female Soldier complain that I was talking with the Soldier next to me, and I just said "run faster."
Eating too little, means your body will go into harvesting mode.
I sure hope that my body is not harvesting as I eat a foot-long sandwich, laden with vegetables!
My sister's been in that position ...
she went to a nutritional consultant, and had to eat MORE !
When I was a substitute teacher, I played a video (five times!) about some silly skinny girl that wanted to lose weight and a nutritionist told her to increase her fat intake; the girl lost weight, but they weighed her on the carpet!
I've been eating a lot while on a diet.
Much of it stuff that's "free for use" in other diets - I counted all of them.
Carrots. Tomatoes. cauliflower.
Strawberries. Ananas is good, too.
You can eat lots of this kind of stuff, keeping your metabolism rather busy, which in turn also burns energy, without adding much calories.
Ananas? Like pineapples?
I used to get invited to advance screenings through
The REEL Truth. I would sign up again, but I already have too many distractions from school! I watched "Bad News Bears" and the fat kid made all kinds of claims about his attempts at weight loss, like bringing a baggie of bacon to practice. He claimed that he needed energy to burn fat.
Several years ago, I actually started following a "meal plan" that I found in a body builder magazine in order to gain weight. I was 6'2" and 153 pounds!
I kind of regret that now...
The curious thing was that it had me eating vegetables! I had avoided those previously.
Some of this stuff gets called "negative calories" these days.
But it isn't
I have only heard that said of celery, so I stopped eating it, not wanting my body to do something for no reason!
What's wrong with the Subs, is the bread ...
If you eat lots of bread or similar food with dough in it: cut down on it, it's a lot of calories and it really adds up.
Industrial bread / dough products are the worst.
I used to always eat sandwiches on wheat bread, but when Subway started offering flatbread, I switched to that, although I was frustrated that it was white, not wheat, like when you can get a sandwich as a wrap, but with a wheat tortilla.
I took a girl to Subway, said something about the flatbread, and she said that it did not have much less carbohydrates than wheat. I do not have any idea, but I really liked her, so I started eating wheat again, until I realized that honey oat had more fiber...
Since flatbread is denser, I think that she may be right.
Aside from Subway, I do not eat many carbohydrates. As I mentioned, for lunch and dinner, I usually have chicken and vegetables. I think that it is absurd to avoid carbohydrates, though, since the brain runs on glucose.
I would love the opportunity to use my brain!
BTW I've lost 6lbs during 3 weeks in CA and AZ last year.
Lots of walking, and staying away from McDo and the like, but frequenting SubWay
During our road trip, my sister, a nurse, told me that lunch meat was bad for me.
"Yeah? How is your Big Mac meal?"
Regarding the heart rate monitor, I can pick up one at Walmart. I am planning on going to purchase some more melatonin and to purchase a chair mat, like for a desk, but I will put it in front of our couch. For all that I know, my roommates will put it in my bed, points up, and light it on fire.
The carpet was ruined long before I moved in a few months ago. The owner paid for professional cleaning, but as my roommate said would happen, the stains were in the pad, and came back within a week. The owner just had the carpet cleaned again, but had us split half of the cost, and bought what he called "carpet runners," a plastic sheet that was supposed to poke into the carpet.
My roommates did not like that it bunched up, so they threw it unceremoniously against the wall.
A chair mat will not bunch up.
This time, stains started to return after a few days.
To be honest, I have been more concerned about my heart rate simply for my health. Losing weight should improve my run, but the weight is a secondary concern. Well, third. I have not seen any improvement in my push-ups, either.
The brain uses a fair deal of power too ... if you use it
It is running CP/M and do not know how to reboot it.
After having slept, but before you've eaten anything.
There 'll be little or no easy sugars to burn, so the energy has got to come from the long-term storage ... fat.
That's also why you shouldn't push it too hard, and have to keep going for a while : you need to give your body time to get hold of that long-term storage energy.
Heh. Apparently, before I went to Germany, one of our Soldiers had a habit of eating breakfast before going to PT formation. When our Platoon Sergeant returned from school, he asked if he still threw up during runs.
When I went on Christmas leave during Basic my sister's mother-in-law insisted on giving me a rich chocolate cake. It sat on my counter for a few days before I finally decided to have a taste--before a run!
It was a big cake. It was still big after I was feeling sick, but I am stubborn, so I went on my run.
However, the cake could not keep up. It fell out.
None of these Army running terms seem to work regarding food.
I often feel dehydrated when I wake up, so I will have some Gatorade, which I now make at half strength (and never put in the full amount of sugar).
I guess that I can stick to water before the run.
[waving my arms]
More movement = more calories burned ...
Not drinking diet / light ... drinks usually helps to stay away from other sweet, calorie rich stuff.
Well, 50% Gatorade is a little sweet, but sometimes it just tastes terrible. I keep wondering how to make my own flavoring so that I do not need to continue purchasing Kool-aid packets. I have literally gone through hundreds!
I once ran out of Kool-aid, so I tried drinking just the salt, potassium, and sugar.
I immediately ran to the store!
I have been thinking about trying lemon juice instead of the packets. I certainly do not need the artificial color and I do not like artificial flavor, but if it was clear, then people would not harass me about drinking Gatorade, and it would not stain my clothing, either!