It's a very exciting project. Groundbreaking...really! It will change the world, not just the automotive world.
But when can I buy one?
This is not the first groundbreaking prototype to come out.
How many of the previous amazing prototypes have made it to market so far? You still have a lot of hurdles to jump before we can allow ourselves to get frothy with enthusiasm.
You will forgive me/us for not being overly enthusiastic until something starts rolling of the assembly line that we can buy.
Interested, absolutely.
The Aptera cured many of us from that early enthusiasm. Can I buy a VW XL-1 yet? How about a gm hydrogen car? Unlike the silly hydrogen car, yours has a real chance.
Hey, I liked you on facebook. I'm reading the blog.
What more do you want?
2004 VW TDI PD on bio
want to build 150 mpg diesel streamliner.