Originally Posted by Occasionally6
Yeah, I know but you are correct anyway. Small changes in calorie intake add up. Sex can affect athletic performance.
Carb loading should be done a few hours before the exercise and be done with low GI carbs. It takes time for what you have consumed to be digested sufficiently to influence what is in your blood. The idea is to provide a steady supply of glucose to working muscles. It can improve performance if done right.
If you are running a full marathon (OK, you're not) you are going to start consuming your body tissue regardless of what you eat. Loading for that is different to doing so for a less demanding performance.
Coke isn't low GI (it's the opposite, unless Diet) but whatever works I guess. Maybe the caffeine helps?
There is a distinction to be made between training and performing. If you are trying to lose weight, you need some carbs (at least energy) to aid repair, but it's better to exercise without consuming them prior. You want to encourage the consumption of fat. Your body won't start to metabolise fat until the available blood glucose is consumed/low.
My understanding of the difference between minute oats and normal oats is that the minute oats are pre-cooked. That should make them easier to digest. That may or may nor be a good thing, depending on the goal.
It can be less expensive to make your own muesli, like for like product. There's no shame in using a pocket calculator to figure it out in store, although you do need the (a) basic recipe idea to do so. Larger size - like 2lb+ - bags of oats and dried fruit are usually (check the per pound price) cheaper than individual serves.
You can make it to suit your own taste. The dried fruit is expensive so food manufacturers use as little as possible. I like the stuff (it tastes sweet) so I add in a lot; apple, apricot, banana, pineapple, whatever is cheap to buy at the time.
It stores perfectly in a plastic container with a snap seal lid.
Before we get too focused on muesli etc.. I was only suggesting it as a better alternative to Slim Fast, not the be all and end all of a healthy diet.
I must have done something wrong! I do not feel nearly dead enough!
When I saw minute oats and normal ones side-by-side, the minute oats just seemed worn out, like the edges had been worn off. I do not have any idea if that was typical or what in the world it would mean.
When I bought the muesli, I still had not found all of the ingredients, but felt like I had already wasted too much time, and needed to get to bed.
A few weeks ago, someone mentioned a nutritionist who did not seem to be able to eat without someone claiming that her food was unhealthy, while the nutritionist felt that it was completely nutritious.
I really think that people arbitrarily form opinions because they want to have them and they defend them because they want to be right.
Ignorant people may claim that experts are idiots, while they inherently know the truth, because they say so.
Well, I finished my bag of muesli after three meals. That was a little over 100g of carbohydrates per meal and slightly over 20g of protein. Of course, carbohydrates are evil, protein is king, and fat is irrelevant.
It is funny, I went to bed really early, set my alarm for 0430, and made sure that it was "on" this time.
However, as I laid down, I thought that my phone was probably on vibrate. Dr. Who may claim:

I have a loft bed and I do not like climbing up and down the ladder. I woke up at 05, it was still dark, did my push-ups, and was out the door at 0530.
I was kind of upset, Google said that it was 90° outside!
It was too dark to really see my stopwatch, so I did not do my 30/60. Somehow, it did not feel too bad. I felt like I pushed myself, although I only came in at 19:37.
I know that I have run faster recently, but since I lost my log two weeks ago, that beats my best still-recorded time by almost one minute, and some of them by two.
I ran faster than on days when it was supposedly cooler.
The weirdest part was that when I completed two miles and slowed down, I did not feel like I was dying, and I still did not feel like I was dying when I completed the quarter mile.
I was not sweating as bad. I seemed to cool off in a reasonable period of time.
Yet I still want to go back to bed!
I need to report for drill at 0500 tomorrow. I honestly do not know if I will go running first, but if I do manage to wake up early enough to run before the sun comes up, I need to push myself harder!