Originally Posted by jedi_sol
Didn't top gear try to cook something using the heat from a car engine?
Why cover the wheel skirt with aluminium? Coroplast is pretty dang weather proof. Just seems like a lot of extra work. Are you worried about flexing?
I'm not all that worried about flexing, since it has backing and it is pretty firmly secured and on the side of the car, where I imagine solar heat build up will be less intense. It's all about the fit and finish. I think I can get a cleaner and more "OEM" look out of the aluminum, especially at the edges. Plus, if I buy aluminum sheet for the under tray from a local metals supplier it seems I'll almost certainly have a surplus.
cbaber, I forgot... I have no plans for testing these ABA right now. Past experience suggested the difference might be within the noise, and I don't have cruise control, which makes testing harder. This is a mod others have tested effectively. But when I get a GPS of my own at some point, then I think I might try a downhill coast-down test, measuring top speed, average speed, and distance. Just to see if I can confirm others' results.
EDIT: I'll add MetroMPG's graph of the benefit he saw, which does not prove mine will show a benefit, only that there is reason to believe it's a good mod: