I stopped using facebook a few years ago. And, I won't use my personal facebook to help keep my identity [as] secret [as it can be].
The two-three posts a week on facebook seems good- better more value in content, than a lot of content looking for value. If I remember correctly, companies like Ford and others post once per day- but they have a LOT going on. Maybe I am out of touch (please advise if so!), but I would think it better to bring up a single topic/item/whatever, and get interaction from users/viewers/whatever they are. And it may help having members posting comments. There may be other things we can do, like polls, too. "How often do you check your tire pressure?" or "Win an Ecomodder sticker by posting your modified car! Just tag the modification on your car as Ecomodder!"
It may help to post some fb activity here, so we can contribute as commenters, and help others get involved and see things. Fb mod may post about x, and a commenter can [of their own free will and accord] mention something cool, or something extra on to it. Hopefully it will be positive discussion- when I really lost interest it was mostly stupid arguments, and ignorance- so a good behavior and tactful responses from members will be important, too.
"FB Ecomodder: Keep those tire pressures up! User X saw a x% increase in fuel economy by keeping their air pressure at max sidewall!"
"Heck yea, I saw a y% increase"
"yAlL stoopid runnin rouNd wIt 50000 PuRsent aer preshur! yo gon kIlL som bodie!"
As frustrating it is, we will have to maintain some professionalism- otherwise the group can get focused on the excitement of arguments and proving a point rather than a point of spreading awareness and discussing efficiency. Newbies who are interested may be turned off, or think us hateful/intolerant, and may be less likely to want to join a community.
I don't know enough about it to comment appropriately. I start trying to use it, but I can't keep up with the short thought bursts of nothing, communicated through countless abbreviations by people who not only use "u" and "2" like they are the correct words, but are then bound to 160 characters. Twitter could be awesome, but I have no idea how we/one would properly use it. When I first signed up when it originally came out, I thought, "This will be great to communicate and send quick, short, important messages to the people who they concern!" And it has not developed that way.
We should be able to get started quickly, as we can link user contributed videos-right? I don't watch them all, but many users make a lot. With a little fine tuning, those videos could have links added to the threads/results of the mod, and have more info on the video that isn't included. I think the Youtube page could be huge at first, I think it would only be slow maintaining as many of us are busy, and a good video can be difficult to finish for the reasons already specified.
Last edited by UltArc; 09-09-2013 at 07:08 PM..
Reason: Added comments on YT & twitting