Welcome RR, and good luck. I'm in E Tennessee so I'm of no use to you (at this time).
Bestclimb, I suspect he's being a bit tongue in cheek but also pointing out the fact of the peer pressure that exists on the road. I hope this doesn't open the can o' worms it did elsewhere, but there was a lot of discussion as to whether the speed limit sign or the prevailing average of all other drivers that decides what speed you should travel.
The mob rule will never be a useful defense against a speeding ticket, but the mob's high speed CAN influence whether you get pulled over for driving too slowly. In that regard, it does take a certain strength of will to defy the influence of the crowd and choose a speed that, while safe, still isn't moving along at the same hectic pace as the prevailing traffic.
Unsafe speed is, obviously, unsafe. If you're a significantly slower driver, you should probably move to a significantly slower road.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.