Originally Posted by slownugly
That's pretty much the same reason I kept mine as long as I did. My brother lives in Germany and it was easier to communicate via Facebook than anything. But now I have an app on my phone that allows me to text, share pics, and video instantly to his iPhone. Cool stuff
Isn't technology great!?! What app is that?
For all the issues surrounding social media, it does have it's place. Your brother is a prime example. Another is my mom, who has found long lost relatives she would have never known about or met otherwise. She also does the geneaology (sp?) for our family and has gotten a lot of leads over the last decade from other people who found something she hadn't. She was stuck in the 18th or 19th century, but just a week ago somebody on FB alerted her to information and now she can go further back. Pretty cool to know where my ancestors were and what they did, even if it's only a few hundred years.