Originally Posted by Vekke
I changed my profile picture week ago, but the avatar was other setup. Now avatar is switched to record picture.
There is no other test data of effectiveness of mods other than the effects to my lupo fuel consumption history plus the final coast down test. I have written most changes to the car on the fuel log on each tank.
I will try to make video that explains all the mods done to the car and why I have done them and also where the inspiration have come.
Looks way better. Avatar! That's it.
It would be cool if you could show the differences each mod did over the standard before. And I am definitely not questioning your performance, I am questioning how I can utilize some of your techniques! Those front fender wheel arch blocks look great, your side skirts, rear wheel arches (I imagine the same as the front) and the kammback look good and sturdy- I'd like to duplicate for myself.