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Old 09-15-2013, 01:57 PM   #162 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by racprops View Post
Just when I was sure I was NOT coming back...

Well I do not have money for another car...if I did I would not be tiring to start a new company...

AND there is no such a car as far as I know of...but I am curious as to what car your talking about.

My experience with OBDII is they are locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

OR did you mean a OBDI system and if so I already have a EPROM Emulator and a laptop and software for that.

Problem is 80% of cars are now OBDII cars, so as a business learning how to do OBDI is a waste of time.

And it looks like to tune OBDII PCMs is kind of like service the early modular TVs' ever model year it took a whole service kit running around $500.00 per...

The devices to get into OBDII PCMs look like they run the same deal around $350.00 per make and model and then $125.00 for the license again per each car and I have not got the price for the software and all the learning/training time getting into it.

I was hoping to find guys already set up and doing them.

The one I would recommend for the money is ECMLink. I'm not associated with them in anyway just to be clear that i'm not trying to sell you anything.

ECMLink has OBDI EPROM socketed systems for DSM's like the one I'm using.

ECMLink also has OBDII for DSM's 1995 -1999 Talons Eclipse etc.
Link page.
ECMTuning, Inc.

Hondata K Pro for Honda cars all the way up to 2002 to 2004 is another one but a lot more money.

I would go with the ECMLink myself if you want to start out. You can also find them used already socketed for around $350.00. I just found a 1997 Talon for a friend that we picked up for $2200.00 and sold him one of my old OBDII ECMLink speed density's ECU's I had laying around for $450.00. So hes into the whole car with OBDII tuning ability's for less then $3000.00.
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Last edited by pgfpro; 09-15-2013 at 02:17 PM..