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Old 09-16-2013, 03:26 PM   #199 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by racprops View Post
Well I don't expect that BUT say 60 MPG (100% better0 or even 90 MPG..(150%)under special condition's like a 70 MPH cruse on a level highway with no wind..

Somewhere in one of the first posts you mention 100-200mpg as your goal??

Could you perhaps point to a link with scientific data proving that most of the fuel is burned after the powerstroke and in the exhaust?

As to that VOLO thing, it did not work so now you want to do the same thing? As in proving that it does not work?

Seriously man, there are a lot of people worldwide working all day every day on improving the ICE, squeezing every Joule of energy out of the fuel and trying to turn it into motion. I have trouble seeing how you can do better than them in the backyard shed, without their resources.

I just consulted my crystal ball, and it showed you will not get 100% improvement with a homegrown piggyback thingy on a stock marquis with standard fuel.

But hey, everyone needs a hobby.