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Old 09-17-2013, 05:56 PM   #23 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
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Location: NW Ohio, United States
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Silver Flea - '05 Honda Insight
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Originally Posted by War_Wagon View Post Oh, that's that thing where people from high school that I never wanted to keep in touch with can try to keep in touch with me, right?? Bleh, y'all have fun with that, I will retreat to the safety of the Island of Unwanted Eco-Cars and use its serenity to fend off social media for as long as possible!

P.S. - Get off my lawn!! lol
From the television show Psych, Shawn Spencer Speaking to Juliet about their relationship details "...That'd be like posting it on my Facebook page. If I had a Facebook page. Or the desire to share intimate life details with people I avoid on the street." I enjoyed your response lol

Originally Posted by War_Wagon View Post
Man that stage name needs some work. How's about Joey Metro? Now that's a quality fake FB handle ha ha
If they come onto the site they will pretty quickly learn your true identity (first name, at least). Would Darin M or Darin Metro be better? My first thought of an alias like Joey makes me think malarkey, but it doesn't really matter either way.

I am glad to see this still in motion. This thread may be a great place for people to chime in here and there, and then the deciders can post it up. I'd follow and encourage it, but I feel like I may be fairly easily spotted. Then again, it doesn't take too much to be tracked/identified on the internet.

Best Tanks:
Mustang - 54.83 mpg (US) at the Green Grand Prix
Insight - 82.91966 mpg (US) over 818.5 miles.
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