Originally Posted by Occasionally6
I think you have that backwards. The high surface area to volume ratio and that the combustion chamber is constantly moving into a new, cool, part of the engine means that Wankels are less prone to detonation than piston engines. This is one reason why they have promise - if any ICE does - for running on H2
The consequences of detonation in a Wankel may well be worse than it occurring in a piston engine.
My knowledge of Wankels is limited to Mazda stuff. Their Rotary have extra wide combustion chambers which are prone to hot spots similar to wide bore engines. They make their best power and efficiency at near pig rich mixtures.
The dual fuel Rotary concept by Mazda has greatly reduced power and range on H2. Hardly a successful approach.
Originally Posted by freebeard
If by "conspiracy theory" you mean historical fact, then yes. And paper.
The precipitating factor was the hemp decorticator described in Popular Mechanics in February, 1938. They really blind-sided the paint industry with the legislation.
Similarly, high taxes enacted on Alcohol after the Civil war weren't repealed until the early 20th century. Then Prohibition in 1920 shut down many Distilleries and put pressure on Industrial Distilleries. People nowadays assume that alcohol consumption was illegal during Prohibition, but it wasn't. The law was specific to distillation and sales. Which basically undercuts the whole idea that it was supported by the Temperance movement.
I tend to think that a trade organization funded the whole ordeal. BTW, the mob didn't have any real power until after Alcohol sales were banned.

But that's another silly notion of mine.