Originally Posted by redneck
I have purchased the ultra caps and LiFePo4 battery pack. Just need to find time to work on it. One problem though is that the caps are now PCB mount, not tab mount anymore. This will require a different way of attaching them together in series and I'm not sure on the best way to do this.
Any updates?
I see a lot of people complaining about the 12v battery longevity on Priuschat, and I wonder if it could be replaced entirely with this "boostpack" supercap/battery combo.
I'm still curious if the frequent cycling of the alternator would cause more wear, and even more curious about the efficiency of charging capacitors/LiFePo vs a lead acid battery. Specifically, what percentage of the input charge is captured and stored, and what is wasted. Self-discharge rates would also play a role in the overall efficiency.
Do supercaps self-discharge at higher rates than regular capacitors? I realize the answer will vary depending on what type ( electrolytic, etc).