Here's some more photos for you.
You get a little more sense of the size of the truck when it's parked next to someone else.
Height is pretty close to a Gen 2 Prius. (Keep in mind that the Prius in the photo is an inch lower than stock as well!)
I did a little work on the truck. The big thing is that it was missing the air-box when I got it. I dug through my pile of spare S10 parts, and found an air-box, but it's from an earlier model. It's a slightly different version than what should go in there. However, I did notice that the sheet metal inside the truck is still the same, so I could mount the older-syle air-box, but then didn't have the right 3.25" hose to connect it to the air intake baffle-box. So I used what I had, and made the seal with metal foil HVAC tape.
Yea! Now, at least the truck is breathing filtered air, instead of sucking dirt into its engine!
I also adjusted the headlights. They were GLARINGLY high mis-adjusted. I figured out how to tweak them, and got them pointed about where they should go.
Moon hub caps were mentioned. I have ONE full-moon hubcap that fits 15" rims. (I used to have two, because that's how many the junkyard had, and somehow lost one while driving once!)
I popped it on the rear rim, just to see how it looks. I also had a flat wheel cover that I made a few years ago, and put that on the front.
I like the look of full-moon hubcaps. The bright finish doesn't match the paint-job though. It would look great in gun-metal gray. I have a travel coffee mug that would be just the right color.
Here's one more possibility for hub caps. This one is a Wal-Mart 16" pizza pan. I think they are something like $4 each. These are sheet-steel (NOT Aluminum) and is just held in place by magnets so I could take the photo. They don't look bad (not as nice as the actual full-moon, but not bad) and are dirt cheap. I just don't know what the best way to keep them on would be, and how well they would hold up to the weather.
One other odd thing I'm wondering about.... This truck is somewhat de-badged, but it says "STS" on it. I've never heard of a Chevy S10 STS. I would imagine that STS is from some other make of vehicle. Anyone know anything about STSs? I think whoever worked on this truck did it as some type of joke - like that time I saw the Hemi badge on a Prius.