Originally Posted by Miller88
That would do an excellent job of taking vehicles off the road up here. CEL will not pass inspection.
Doesn't it use more than a gallon of fossil fuel to produce a gallon of ethanol.
Even FFVs Owner's manual recommends putting in Regular before taking it in for a service. No doubt it's the same for emissions testing. Regulations being what they are.
As for fossil fuel, note that this includes Natural Gas and Coal not just petroleum. Even the EPA states that every gallon of Ethanol reduces Petroleum consumption by 75%. When Ethanol is distilled it generates co-products. Where the myth occurs is that people assume or leave out(we'll assume it's accidentally) the co-products and suddenly Ethanol has a negative energy balance. This was true up until a few years ago when the energy balance became an issue. Distillation plants have improved their efficiency since then.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
A radical switch to higher ethanol contents can eventually lead to clogging, but before any impurity reach a fuel injector there will be a clogged filter...
Exactly, but I still hear the line about Ethanol destroying/clogging fuel injectors. I have heard a few people suggest that Ethanol will eat through aluminum engines. I hope they know that Gasoline is corrosive too.