Originally Posted by shovel
Every time someone quotes this, they treat it as if farmers are growing corn for ethanol, extracting the ethanol and then dumping the rest of the mash/grain into a giant hole in the ground...
Ethanol and livestock feed are byproducts of each other. DDG/S ship and store better than whole grains so there would be a massive market for them even if the misconception was reversed, and feed producers just dumped all the byproduct ethanol into a giant hole in the ground.
We eat a lot of bacon cheeseburgers, we need a lot of DDG, we make a lot of ethanol, it's all one supply chain. It's time we get used to that reality 'cause it's not changing.
This is an interesting post, and I don't know about DDG. Thank you for posting this. I did just hear eaves dropping on a meeting at work that producing Ethanol has solids byproduct which is sold off as 'nutrient rich' feed. This bothers me because why can't you just feed it straight to animals? Nope it has to be processed first. Please post more info on this subject