No real news.I'm to take it real easy for another month to give the September 21st abdominal surgery a fare break.
I'll be 6-months without income this year due to the T-100 breakdown,so any significant developments are pushed down the calendar as budget permits.
There's a bit of activity in Europe with trailers.Don Burr has sold over 3,000 teardrops and M.A.N. has a nice teardrop trailer as well.
Delft University has tested a tractor-semi-trailer boat tail of 78-inches.Their aerospace spin-off company has been purchased by WABCO if memory is correct and they're pursuing serious aerodynamic add-ons.
AT Dynamics 'Trailer Tail' is very active in Europe.
The manufacturers are trying to get EC length regulations at least as good as the USA or better.Presently,they're limited to 16.5-meters overall length.
I found a dated article about US manufacturing.It basically said that Trucking executives would spend millions on aero tractors,but nothing on aero trailers,so the trailer manufacturers essentially said to -ell with it all.
Bob Sliwa is America's lone-wolf with his up-coming "FUTURE" aero tractor/semi.
Trillions of dollars/Euros/etc. are at stake over the coming decades.It will be interesting to see where Bubba goes.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
Last edited by aerohead; 10-24-2013 at 05:37 PM..
Reason: correct some data