I have been talking with those guys (a girl and some guy named Bert) and...then don't now that much about how the SG works...what readings it need and that kind of stuff!
You helped me more with a unique post!
Today a just fill up (6.9l/100km, 34MPG) and i have pré-adjusted the SG like this:
I know the car uses about 1.0/1.4 liters per hour, so i adjusted the "diesel displacement" in SC until i get about the same values! (i set it to 3 or 4 liter displacement, i canīt remember right now!)
So, i have runed 130km today and the numbers donīt feel so bad!...
I was having 6.8L/100km, then i have made a fullspeed test (to see how my car react without the rear spoiler) and after that i got 7.9l/100km, i drove slowly at home and i have 7.5l/100km now! So it doesen't seem very inacurate! I'm going to calibrate it next fillup and then we will see!
Tanks for the help!!!