Wayne has posted speed vs. MPG results for the CVT car he's been driving this week.
- bidirectional averaged runs
- 32 - 33F (0 - 0.5C) ambient -- however, the MPG values were "temperature compensated" by increasing them approximately +7.5% by Wayne to estimate results at 70 degrees F.
- 5 - 10 mph (8-16 km/h) side wind
(Read the CleanMPG thread for more info, photos & impressions of the CVT:
Most Fuel Efficient Non-hybrid/Non-Diesel and its MT/AT Ratios - CleanMPG Forums )
As expected, the CleanMPG test shows the CVT performing somewhat better than the manual at cruising speeds.
However (!), the two charts shouldn't be seen as an apples to apples comparison. Ideally we need to run a CVT against a manual in the same conditions for the most accurate picture.
Nevertheless, I'm going to combine the data into a new chart just for kicks...