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Old 11-09-2013, 12:49 AM   #81 (permalink)
lead foot
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elhigh..... If the goal of racing is winning, how do you win? one of the best ways is less time in the pits (efficiency), taking the fastest line (efficiency), not to mention the mechanicals, if you can lighten up parts, you go faster, etc.

If you switch your ecu, that is against federal law, many things people do are against federal law, no enforcement and the fact the states don't care (similar to pot) is why people do what the want. Switching to CF doors is not illegal, but the sellers will always say 'for off road use only' since you are removing the side impact bars, but they do not make the car any less road worthy.

As far as the fast vs efficient, more power with the same fuel consumption IS both.

This IS bench racing in a way.... or bench eco-ing, lol

I do like your spirit though and its you tough guys that I learn the most from...

dmafanp...... from what I have found out (i think on this forum), weight is more of an issue when in city traffic, aero is more important at speed, and if you can't coast, that means you will save gas on the way back up, since just about every trip is a round trip.


Back to another D15Z question, I found this D-Series Specs but I can't decipher it, can I run NGV pistons for high compression?

I spend time on Honda Tech and other performance forums and while there are some smart guys out there. I have a hard time finding out stuff on this motor.

2001 Insight 11.5:1 K20a3 turbo / 04 Element
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