Originally Posted by Joggernot View Post
Two questions: 1) what is ima (not in Glossary)? and 2) what is the tps mod you are talking about? I'm looking for something that will hold tps (SGII), not speed. Long ago there was an add-on magnetic throttle holder that worked like a charm, but is no longer made.
Originally Posted by UltArc
1) Integrated Motor Assist
1) IMA is Honda's trademark for its hybrid technology.
2) One of the inputs controlling lean burn on a Honda Insight is the TPS signal. The "TPS mod" fools the computer into thinking that the driver's foot on the accelerator is very steady, hence allowing easier entry into, and a longer stay in, lean burn. It makes the lean burn window wider.
There are several TPS mods for the Insight, but what is being referred to is the latest TPS mod by Matt of Hybrid Revolt. I don't know if that mod will work for other cars though.