Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Glad to hear you're still enjoying the car. Almost makes me wish I drove more so I could have justified keeping it.
I ambushed the last local Insight owner at the gas station a few weeks ago. Original owner, ~350k kms on it, pretty beat up (even has aluminum corrosion coming through the paint in places). I still gave him my number and told him to call me if he ever decides to get rid of it... like I need another project! 
I LOVE it! I was worried that I may need to get rid of it, but thankfully that passed. My mother in law wasn't liking the prius and was going to buy a fit which would leave me with the prius and insight, and as much as I love the insight, the prius makes more sense since I wouldn't need to have 2 cars with it. But she decided to keep it.
so here you go....
2000 Honda Insight 5 SPEED | AS IS | 1.0L | COME TEST DRIVE | - Oakville / Halton Region Cars For Sale - Kijiji Oakville / Halton Region Canada.
ironically if you did buy this one it's right by my house LOL.
Today I just finished up a warm air intake, and a test of the grid charger. I didn't charge last night and minimized any charging on the way to work, showed up with 3 or 4 bars, 9hrs on the charger when I leave and see what kind of SOC I get. I think to do what I want to do I'll have to grid charge 2x a day, at home and at work, but it would have been nice to do it only with free power at work.
I also ordered a IMAC&C pcb that I will attempt to build.
PS Trollinsight since we're hijacking your thread here's something that applies to you. I've noticed you plan the pass mirror delete. I just installed an ebay 300mm convex centre rear view mirror cover. I adjusted it so that the left side cuts off to look straight back giving pretty much all the advantage of the curve to the passenger side. I can see out about 50% of the passenger side window and the whole rear quarter window through it. If I let someone pass me on the right I can see the front bumper out of the corner of my eye while I can still see the rear of the car through the mirror.