The ScanGauge/Ultragauge don't log data (that you can output).
Originally Posted by ssnsvibe09
I have MT, and I recently discovered that my vehicle has DFCO, so I have to discover techniques in which I can make it work for me beyond the simple neutral coasting.
DFCO can be helpful when you need to slow down faster (or maintain speed on a descent) than can be done coasting in neutral. But neutral coasting as a general habit is far more effective.
I take it you don't kill the engine while moving (EOC - engine off coasting). That would be the most effective of the 3, but obviously riskier.
Re: roof racks...
From what I understand it will cost 150 dollars to do that which is approximately 3 tanks of fuel.
No DIY solution available?
I live in Bridgewater (only 10 minutes from Lunenburg) and travel to Halifax daily one of the hilliest single lane highways left in the province
I know the highway. I generally took the scenic (Lighthouse) route for a good chunk of my occasional drives to Halifax. But I wasn't commuting.