Also, driving home today I saw the mintest Festiva ever going the other way.
Pastel green then? Your pictures are endlessly entertaining. Looking forward to what turns up.
I corrected my post. It was the EMPI Sportster, not the Burro—it's contemporary.
The prospects brighten for electric conversion of old VWs (and a lot of others) when Protean energy ships product next year.The redundant intergrated micro-controllers would be a big deal. I guess I'm all "Ooh-Shiny" about electric aluminum off-road chassis. Because PolyMetal.
MetroMPG -- Based on my experience with my '59 station wagon (kind of a mini-Nomad with the aluminum framed windows) there's little doubt. A single stamping that is re[die]stamped to make lefts and rights. In the '50s (anyway) panels for low-production models like station wagons and convertibles were re-stamped from high-production model parts. Or so I hear.