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Old 11-26-2013, 01:10 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bikenfool View Post
I thought it was a pretty good Cd for a van. Is there a good reason to fear FWD in a big van? I think it's mostly lack of experience with that design.
If you aren't moving heavy stuff, then FWD is a better choice all around. Lighter cargo is less likely to go in at a loading dock, so having a lower load floor is better for loading/unloading. It eliminates a lot of weight and chassis height by removing RWD components. Loading at a cargo dock isn't out of the question either; many (by no means all) docks are equipped with levelers that can take up up to 12" of truck/dock height discrepancy. Usually not that much though.

Assuming FWD is lighter duty is just silly. Yes, there are lots of moving parts. But European manufacturers have been building FWD vans for decades and I reckon they've got a pretty good handle on how to make them hold up under a load. Now if we can just adjust American prejudices, we've got it made.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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