When you get your script done, post up the code and the results. Be sure to allow for different BSFCs, vehicle weights, vehicle cDAs, vehicle RR, etc so we can see how those affect the overall results.
I'd be interested to see how my Diesel compares to a gasoline vehicle. However, any simple simulation that isn't calibrated to the real world wouldn't be worth the time put into it.
Alternatively, run a few "real live" tests in your own car on your own route to validate the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of DWL vs maintaining a steady state speed up the hill and then coasting before the top. Use the A-B-A testing methodology described in this post:
http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...ery-11445.html. However, rather than testing an aero mod by doing A = with mod and B = without mod, you can select A = DWL uphill and B = maintain speed uphill. Obviously, instrumentation such a ScanGauge would be required.
With so many variables, anyone else's results won't necessarily be applicable to your car, your route, or your style of driving.