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Old 12-08-2013, 04:19 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vekke View Post
I did today some snow testing with powder snow and got pretty good results:

Testing will continue tomorrow morning because it will propably as much next night, already 3 cm .
Vekke, first of all, thanks very much for all the research and development that you do, and for sharing with the rest of us.

Questions: How far and fast to drive with snow on the car to get best shape? In other words, if you drive too far, all the snow will be blown off, with less than optimum shape. Drive too short a distance, and not enough snow will be blown off, with less than optimum shape. So, how far and fast is just right?

And, have you considered measuring depth and coordinates of the snow shapes? For example, the roof has the deepest snow about 1/3 back from the windshield, then tapers to the rear and sides. Perhaps a grid could be made, recording the snow depth at various coordinates. Laser scan?

Maybe when you come back from a drive, spray the snow with a mist of cold water, to form a solid crust on the shape. Then make impressions. From the impressions make foam copies of the snow shape, and glue on to your Lupo. (?)
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