Originally Posted by MetroMPG
The "fleet" average of 18 1.2L Mirage owners on MirageForum is beating the EPA (12 CVT's and 6 manuals).
And despite the CVT's higher combined rating (40 vs. 37), the manual average is higher. 3dplane's effect on the average has something to do with that!
MirageForum Fuel Log stats: 19 Mirages, averaging 42 MPG, 17.9 km/L, 5.6 L/100 km
It's fair to say that Mitsubishi was conservative with its ratings for this car.
Imagine the amount of advertising that Mitsubishi could do if the EPA numbers were on par with the real EPA numbers!
I always expect to get 3-4 more MPG , but the amount this does is crazy!