Originally Posted by P-hack
Actually, it is no mistake. The origins of that graph are from a school kid in Kansas who was protesting the teaching of "intelligent design" and even blossomed into "talk like a pirate day"! (my favorite holiday apart from towel day).
Correlation != causation, we are here and that is about all we can say about it with any authority.
Open Letter To Kansas School Board « Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Since the OP has trolled the bait through our pond, we now know where it originated. Thanks for exposing the bait.
It sounds to me like your scenario was more of a mistake, where as my scenario has 'rules' about who a pirate is, which is more of what he was alluding to, I think.
Also: I didn't think pirates obeyed any rules. If they did, they weren't really pirates...
BTW, when is "towel day? Maybe I could appreciate it and celebrate it.