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Old 07-02-2008, 06:30 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by john_bud View Post
Failure to pipe up (even on a first post) is evidence of acquiescence. Remember silence is acquiescence in the face of the law. It does not take courage to keep quiet and let wrongs continue. I hope you and others would pipe up and stop people from sending money to the deposed king of Sudan in exchange for a $100,000 check.
Sure I would, I just wouldn't feel the need to tell them they are dumber than a fourth grader for considering it.

Like I said, good information otherwise, the six stroke engine is particularly interesting, I only just recently learned of this concept. And I read an article about BMW experimenting with steam hybrids. It seems like an obvious thing to do. 75% of the energy created by burning gasoline in an ICE is converted into waste heat, that seems like it really should be the first place to look when it comes to improving an ICE's efficiency.

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