Originally Posted by bennelson
When I've moved motors on pallets like that, I've usually used a ratcheting tie-down strap, like what you use to strap down items in a pickup truck.
If you want something inexpensive/disposable, YES zip-ties work fine, as long as you use the giant industrial ones. There are some VERY large zip-ties out there. In some places, police use them as leg restraints, and then slam the tail of the zip-tie in the back door so the "perp" can't kick the back of the squad-car seats!
Ouch, wouldn't like to see the mess that causes if the squad-car has an accident. The sudden movement of the perp's legs would pull that zip tie ridiculously tight. Then again i don't suppose the cops would have much sympathy if they think the perp is a trouble maker enough to restrain their legs like that.
BTW, very entertaining and informative thread.
Not that anyone could replicate this in Australia, rules and regulations are so tight here.
My old insurance company would not pay any claim if your car had more than 2 modifications. They considered changing the radio, adding a tow bar, changing to alloy rims, tinting the widows, etc. all as modifications and so you weren't covered if you had done more than two of them. They would have a heart attack if they saw the Electric Booger. This is why i call them my "old" insurance company. The new one is better but not by much.
I am always getting ready to do a conversion, hopefully this year will be the one.

The conversion doesn't scare me anywhere near as much as making sure it follows all the regulations and the engineers sign off on it. It will be heart breaking after doing a conversion only to not be allowed to drive it on the roads.