My dream goal for 2013 was to replace my low capacity storage batteries with some strong A123 batteries allowing me to utilize the full potential of my controller and motor.
Since building my bike, I've had it de-tuned to 12 kW (16hp) maximum to protect my cheap batteries. With some decent batteries I can allow myself to use the full 30 kW (40 hp) power of the drive train and have more fun riding.
In spite of this, I had a good year riding. I rolled past 10,000 miles on my Delta-11 prototype averaging under 100Wh/Mile (330 mpge) from the Wall.
So, this goal for 2014 is the same as 2013, to find some A123 batteries to install in my bike.
My other goal for 2014 is to install solar panels so that all power used by my bike is "Zero Emission". That goal is moving ahead very well. See details at
Renewable Future For Us - What Can I Do Today?