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Old 01-01-2014, 05:15 AM   #24 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 60

Eye catcher - '14 Ford Mustang GT
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I can pulse and glide however it can be very "notchy" depending on the terrain and rpm. Seems to take a couple seconds for it to lock into drive.

Took coasting to an extreme just now, one road(rolling "hills") I coasted in neutral for a little over a mile and my lowest speed was 35ish(started between 55 and 60) then another road I coasted from about 60 till I was about 10 mph(this road seems to be mostly uphill after a small downhill). So depending on traffic levels during my commute(and time) I could possibly coast for a total of a couple miles
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