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Old 07-02-2008, 09:18 PM   #57 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: KY
Posts: 67

Sandstone Princess - '99 Chevy Sububan LT
90 day: 21.04 mpg (US)

Joe - '02 Nissan sentra XE
90 day: 43.9 mpg (US)

Regal - '03 buick Regal LS
90 day: 33.85 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by trikkonceptz View Post
I don't mean to threadjack here ...

But KLRv6 ... can you do me a favor and start a post on your suburban?
I am having some trouble swallowing the numbers it produced ...

Your vehicle, has no cd listed, weighs 1000 lbs more than my V8 4-runner, is infinately larger, has double the tank capasity, you drive it way faster and get 6mpg higher average than epa? I want to know what you have done to possibly recreate it with the 4-runner to get it past 22mpg, which is only a 3mpg improvement over epa.

Thanks ...
Absolutely,,,give me a few days to snap some pics and get some screen shots of my timing changes. Keep in mind that your Toyota is an different beast than the GM PCM. I have a fair understanding of how the programming works on the Vortec engines, not so much on the Toyota side of things. I laugh at some of the Ford LEV cars and trucks. They emit lower emissions and people buy the things, thinking that low emissions will equate to better mileage...WRONG!! They just run the cats at a higher rate by feeding it more fuel to keep them clean on the other side. That's what I got into when playing around with propane injection. It didn't matter what was done to replace the gasoline, the cats were running the show.

How do I calculate CD? What is yours?

Do you still have your roof rack? Mine is gone

Mechanical fan? I went electric.

How much does your Toyota weigh?
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