Originally Posted by niky
Funny thing... there are some studies that suggest humans, like rats, reproduce more in crowded, resource poor conditions.
Which basically means we're doomed. Not unless we find a way to edumacate all those people...
No argument, and to look at the other side of the coin, we see income inequality as "those greedy rich people" while the ranks of the poor have been swelling reproductively, at a rate double everyone else at the lowest end.
in the us there are way more households making less than $10k/year (mostly white FWIW) so I would say, yah it stands to reason at the 50,000 foot level.
poor people, in the us anyway do breed a lot faster, and now there are a lot more of them, skewing the stats about wealth inequality. Now the pope wants a war on poverty after telling everyone that they will go to hell if they use contraceptives?!?