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Old 07-03-2008, 09:48 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Blue07CivicEX View Post
I have to say my new favorite example that driving patterns around Albany, NY haven't changed at all.
Yesterday driving home from work, i'm in a 55mph zone going 55 in the right hand lane (6 lane divided, 3 each direction). A Suburban passes me like i'm stopped cuts in front of me, passes a couple more cars, cuts into the middle lane, etc until he is lost in the sea of cars. I keep meandering along at 55mph, I get off my exit about 4 miles later, go through 3 intersections and there is the suburban stopped at the red light 1 car ahead of me.

All the swerving, accelerating, hard breaking, accident causing maneuvers and the guy got 20ft ahead of me. I have to say it really made me laugh, but that's the way people are around this area.

That wasn't me.

I do notice more semi trucks running real close to each other. It used to be that they would keep a distance of a few truck lengths behind each other. Now I see them running at one to one and a half.
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