Originally Posted by XYZ
Ah, so will your proposal to revert to pre-industrial conditions remedy everything? No indoor plumbing, no electric power, heating only by wood, transportation only by animal power, including fecal waste everywhere (talk about gas emissions!), etc., etc.. Such primitive living conditions even persisted in modern times, long after the industrial revolution.
Life before the industrial revolution was "nasty, brutish and short", indeed. Is this pre-industrial way of life your idea of utopia? Or is it a hell-hole that you never knew?
Now this is the discussion that needs to be had; what needs to be done. No, we're not going back to preindustrial conditions in terms of material wealth. The important things like water supply and refrigeration are technically possible in a non-emitting and sustainable economy.
There are many people who have shown that it is possible to live without using fossil fuels in daily life.