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Old 01-16-2014, 11:28 PM   #1309 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Giovanni LiCalsi View Post
Spencer believes in intelligent design.
Most people from Alabama have that mindset.
Interesting comment! That is a classic example of fallacious reasoning.

You comment tells us that you are eager to tar someone with a broad brush - especially those from a region other than your own.

This is an excellent example of real PREJUDICE: baseless ridicule and condemnation without cause, based upon logical fallacy. It's a very useful but desperate tactic, often used in politics when you have no logic or facts upon which to base your position.

Dr. Spencer revealed his own personal (if religious) belief, and perhaps he did so deliberately. That admission doesn't render his scientific viewpoint devoid of merit or consideration. Perhaps he did it to lure his critics (such as you) to discredit him based upon that admission alone. Einstein also revealed his personal beliefs about religion when discussing the nature of the universe. Does that make Einstein a rube or a fool? Did his personal and religious beliefs reduce or negate his contributions to science?

Maybe we should revert back to Neil's pretense that Donald Trump epitomizes the dissenting viewpoint, so we can lampoon him for his deficient hair. Then we can all blow the targeted straw man down, and claim that all who dissent with the consensus are nothing more than mere blowhards with bad haircuts.

Einstein had very unruly hair. Much worse than the Donald.

Have we any more fallacious, illogical conclusions to propose?