Originally Posted by demidestructo
Please I beg of you don't get a geo metro ,unless you like the snickers.My friend used to have 3 of those things ,the reason he got to three was .Something would go wrong it was cheaper to buy another car with a good part then it was to buy the part or close to it. Those things are junk the doors are tin can thin. I watched my friend get stuck in a snodrift going down the road,pathetic... His horn cover was a different color and we said it was the tear collector because of the shame in driving said geo. If you really hate life and want everyone to laugh at you,buy a geo aka sham-o,
Them's fightin' words!
Also some of them words are demonstrably untrue.
Also! I suspect most people around here don't give a rat's behind what other people think of their cars.
When I bought this car, I wanted to dive into the fuel economy champion pool (non-hybrid end). It was Metro-clone or VX for me. (VX's had mostly rusted away; none to be found.)
I've only ever bought used cars, and of the 20+ I've owned, my two Fireflies (Metros) -- first '97, current '98 -- have been the most reliable cars of the herd. And yes, I was just as surprised as you no doubt are. Because, yes, they are lightly built and
feel flimsy. But they're well engineered and will last beyond 300k kms with proper care. Rust will get 'em before mechanical gremlins.
Like any old, cheap car, it's only as good as the care it received up until it came into your life!