"I 'hastily' typed this (carefully typed document copy paste), but go to my website to get the full story." Lol, hard to you take serious with statements like that.
Here is my big issue with EFIE. As I understand all EFIE is, is a circuit to trick the o2 sensor into reading higher, thus leaning out the engine. I have a device for my Integra called a S300, which is basically a fully tunable engine management system. We can tune the car for whatever A/F ratio's we want, disable check lights and sensors, manipulate them, etc. I have mine for power and safety as the engine is modified enough that I do not want to detonate by running too lean an a/f. I also have a wideband o2 installed in place of the factory narrownband o2 (the s300 can accomodate this).
However, there are many people who use this device to tune for fuel efficiency. This is easily searchable on google. How does plugging in your device give much better mpg (by your calculations) than people running fully tuned and custom maps? It seems to me that this would 'blindly' manipulate the o2 sensor, yet give results that people who custom dial in fuel maps. In my experience regarding tuning whether for power or for economy, a car must be 'read' off the wideband and the fuel maps adjusted for whatever a/f at the targeted engine load. This seems to be another magic 'plug and play' device, and engine tuners know it just doesn't work that way. Adjusting the o2 readouts without anyway to monitor seems like a recipe for detonation. Also you achieve 36/1 af under load? Where I come from that means detonation and you needing a new motor.
Obviously leaning out the car will increase fuel economy. It just scares me to lean the car out in the way you do, a o2 sensor 'hack' if you will. I probably have a incorrect grasp on this and am not fully understanding so please enlighten me
I will be the first to say I know enough to get me into trouble, and I would rather pay someone to tune my car than do it myself as I would probably blow it up.
Lastly and it has been asked; what are you driving currently and what is your mpg?