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Old 02-02-2014, 12:59 PM   #159 (permalink)
Burn lean and prosper\\//
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: scranton pa
Posts: 576

VLX - '93 Honda Civic VLX
Team Honda
90 day: 51.1 mpg (US)
Thanks: 55
Thanked 65 Times in 54 Posts
Holy Toledo its been a little while. Holiday, crazy swamped at work, no time to work on it yadda yadda. I'm getting cabin fever and I wana drive this thing down the road!!!!

Came down to the shop on Saturday to put the short block together. Crank went in easy. I checked all bearing clearance and the machinist had them perfect. I went to install the cam and it wouldn't go in all the way!! Wrong cam plug in the rear. Correct one will be here tuesday. I then put all the pistons in. Bore and hone job is nice. Piston ring gaps are good. Even with the cam setback I'm rather pleased at making some progress. Hoping to have the whole short block together by this coming weekend. From oil pan to deck. I can even install the water pump.

You can see in the one pic the cam isn't all the way back that's how deep the incorrect rear plug is
Burn lean and prosper \\ //
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