I was keeping this under wraps until it was done, since I figured it would be a while before I got it done- but I think I may be able to actually get it complete within the next fortnight. Here is my progress so far.
Here is half of my board. One half is being used for me, the other half I am using for BEWARE OF DOG signs. The pieces I made are 28" by 21", and will be cut to properly fit when I get to that part. They are just cut as large squares for this process- measure twice, cut once.
No disrespect to Basjoos, but I don't care for the lifting UP design, I personally think a more efficient design is to let the force of air push the skirt back, rather than using gravity. So the hinge will be attached to the front of the board, front of the wheel well.
Original board.
My pieces.
BEWARE OF DOG (I'm going to make a thread for the BOD sign, in case anyone is interested- I think it's a pretty decent plan)
This is everything I am using for this build.
-Stiff metal chunk for stability in skirt, and rollers will be cold welded to it.
--Not sure if one can cold weld to PC, but not trying it now.
--Gotta cut the metal somehow!
-Metal tubing
--This will spin around the metal rod, when the wheel presses up against it.
-Round metal chunk
--This will be the base/axle. The tube will spin around it.
-Door hinges.
--These will be my hinges.
--These go on the ends of the tube- don't want any issues, figured this might mitigate from heat build up or grinding.
-JB Weld
--The best my experience can do.
-L Brackets
--This is what the axle is secured to. Only eight shown, three are being used from another project, but I thought I had four, so I will need to pick up one more. I know I have more somewhere, just don't know the location.
*Tape measure from past projects.
*PC from resources.
Here is the final roller for the skirt. I am building three of these per wheel, one for the front of the wheel, one for the rear, and one for the top edge.
JB Welded