Originally Posted by redpoint5
Public transport is not clearly the logical alternative to personal vehicles. The U.S. is not Japan. What public transportation will pick me up from work at 1am, or take me to my parents house out in the countryside? How do I get into the mountains to go camping? Public transportation goes nowhere I'd want to go.
Well, not
now that we have a major infrastructure to
support passenger cars... And we have a neglected public transportation system... But before the Eisenhower Interstate system? Before Route 66 was part of Americana? When cars were just toys for the rich?
If we put as much support, financial backing, and long term mindset changes into public transportation, it clearly would do all those things and more, at a lower cost and environmental impact. For the record I love cars. But the idea from the previous post was simply backing the statement "Because its' Cool" is enough reason to do something.